Sunday, March 15, 2009


100 days and counting down!

First, THANK you from the bottom of my heart to those who have already contributed -I am humbled, thrilled and touched by your generosity. After long hours working to make this all possible, your support inspires me to work even harder.

Second... well, second is the realization that 100 days is not much time, and there's much yet to do! For example, research what kind of stickers I can use on my fabric plane for sponsor logos. Brushing up on cross country planning and navigational skills. And an oil change would probably be a good idea too.

100 days also seems like a milestone for asking the important questions. Loki is currently covered in mud -should I leave him that way for the race, for street cred? Or wash and polish? How much faster would we go if I put the wheelpants back on? What outfits should I wear?

But seriously... this is the home stretch, and I'm gearing up. If nothing else, I have to find out what it is I don't know so I can be ready when the flag drops!


  1. Je peux pas etre ton co-pilote, mais par contre je suis prette a venir nettoyer Loki pour la course, si tu decides que tu le veux tout beau luisant! Ou autre taches de petites mains :).

  2. OUI!!! Volontiers :-) Et merci!
