It will never again be my first air race, though. There's only one of those, and for so many reasons I'm happy this was the race for it. To meet women like Bee, a former WASP (look it up if you don't know what that is, and honor these ladies for what they did!!!) and to have seen parts of the country I'd never visited before, and to have flown, explored, learned and become a tiny part of a historic event... Special indeed!

In the end, we raised nearly $22,000, flew 32.9 hours, had an immeasurable amount of fun, and created a great memory to gaze back upon. And, as I like to point out, we were the fastest and highest placing taildragger in the race! ;-)
Thanks go to my family, my friends, my co-pilot, and to all of you for being the wind beneath my wings. Until we meet again!

You rock, Ridge! Glad you made it back safely.